At STADIO, we’re on a mission to help South Africans become the most empowered version of themselves. We believe that by investing in the human potential around us, we can grow minds and dreams and create more opportunities in the workplace to ultimately benefit our nation as a whole.
We focus on what our students want and what the world of work needs. And we offer access to a higher education model designed to address both. STADIO students are exposed to the working world through Experiential Learning opportunities within undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Here is a list of just some of the strategic collaborations that STADIO has with industry partners to ensure that students are well-rounded and prepared:
- AG (Spring and Aldo): School of Fashion - Student placements and work-integrated learning
- Animation Exchange: School of Media and Design - Student industry networks and placement
- BAM Collection: School of Fashion - Industry engagement to ensure relevance of designs and alignment with current trends
- British Accreditation Council (BAC): School of Fashion - International accreditation – assurance of academic and programme relevance, quality and integrity
- Cape Town International Film Festival: School of Media and Design - Student industry networks and placement
- Cape Union Mart: School of Fashion - Student readiness for the world of work
- Central Reserve Bank of Uganda and partner higher education institutions in Uganda (i.e. Buganda Royal Institute of Technology and Uganda Management Institute):School of Administration and Management - Teaching and research collaboration
- Curro Schools: School of Education - Training of teachers in basic education
- Development Institute for the Deaf and Blind: School of Education - Widening access for inclusive education
- Disaster Management Institute of South Africa (DMISA): School of Administration and Management - Qualifications are recognised by DMISA. DMISA is the SAQA approved professional body for Disaster Management in South Africa and administers the four SAQA approved designations for Disaster Management
- EDCON: School of Fashion - Engagement with final year students, ensuring curriculum relevance
- EDTP SETA: School of Education - Student funding origination
- Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FMSA): School of Administration and Management - Qualification is recognised by FMSA
- Institutional - is a global platform for ethics: Empowerment, Transformation, Holistic, Integrity, Competence, Sustainability
- Hydraulics: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- International Academic Association of Researchers in Humanities, IT, Engineering & Science (IAARHIES): School of Administration and Management - Scholarly cooperation to foster collaborative research production and dissemination
- Isabelle De Villiers Designs: School of Fashion - Experiential learning and promoting industry relevance of curricula
- KZN Department of Education: School of Education - Training of teachers in basic education
- MAC: School of Fashion - Teaching and learning Master Classes for staff and students to ensure relevance of curriculum content
- Manati Alternate Student Funding: School of Education - Student funding origination
- MRP: School of Fashion - Industry engagement in teaching and learning; as well as student placement and work-integrated learning
- Namibia Qualification Authority (NQA): School of Administration and Management / School of Policing and Law Enforcement - All qualifications accredited in Namibia
- Nicci Boutique: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands: School of Administration and Management - Scholarly cooperation and relationships on the principle of mutual benefit and full reciprocity for students and staff
- Pearson South Africa: School of Education - Preferential Pricing for Zama Futhi material
- Polo: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- Project Management South Africa (PMSA): School of Administration and Management - Qualifications are recognised by PMSA
- Queen Maud University of Early Childhood Education: School of Education - Student exchange programme
- South African Board for People Practices (SABPP): School of Administration and Management - HR modules in Administration and Management programmes accredited by SABPP
- Servamus: School of Policing and Law Enforcement - Joint publisher of Just Africa Journal (Policing/Criminal Justice field)
- Soviet: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research; as well as industry contribution to undergraduate programmes
- All Risk Management: School of Education - Strategic partnership to support the provision of first aid training to contact and distance learning students and the CPTD market
- Study Loans 4U: School of Education - Student funding origination
- TCS Education System Pacific Oaks College, USA: School of Education - Academic and research project with staff and students
- TFG: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- The Joburg Pattern Maker: School of Fashion - Teaching and learning ensuring relevance with the world of work
- The Scottish Group: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- The Sharks Academy (TSA): School of Education - Co-branding and collaborative marketing activities
- Timberland: School of Fashion - Work-integrated learning and real-life work experience for postgraduate research
- Academy for Jewish Teaching and Learning: School of Education – Training of teachers. Student funding organisation
- Olive Wreath Foundation: School of Education – Training of teachers. Student funding organisation
- Jakes Gerwel Fellowship: School of Education – Training of teachers. Student funding organisation
- Overstrand Learning Hub: School of Education – Training of teachers. Student funding organisations
- Edu-Build Institute: School of Education – Training of teachers
- South Cape College: School of Education – Student funding organisation
- Teach The Nation: School of Education – Student funding organisation
- South Cape TVET College: School of Education – Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation
- Elangeni TVET College: School of Education - Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation
- St John’s College: School of Education - Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation
- Realema: School of Education - Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation
- Kingsmead College: School of Education - Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation
- Tshwane South TVET College: School of Education - Training of TVET Lecturers. Student funding organisation