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You have probably heard that the robots are rising, and technology is coming for your job. The current doom and gloom would have you believe that the prospects of the future job market are bleak. However, in a 2019 report by the Brookings Institution titled "Automation and Artificial Intelligence: How Machines Affect People and Places”, scientists predict that whilst 25% of jobs will be replaced by automation, there will in excess of an 38% increase in new job roles to absorb this loss. Technology has already created millions of new jobs:, job titles like app developer and social media manager are relatively new and statistics tell us that the work landscape will continue to grow, bringing us more positions in next two decades than we can begin to study for today. These jobs will need graduates who are geared for critical thinking.

Whilst it is impossible to predict the future, we can prepare for it and ensure we graduate with the most employable qualifications on the market. Qualifications that are aligned to the world of work and geared for the critical thinking that will give you the edge to conquer the future employment landscape or to ensure you remain relevant and ready for promotion in your current job. STADIO Higher Education is concerned with the future of South Africa, and we know that you study to pursue a dream, and our world class faculty is constantly striving to ensure we can offer more relevant qualifications. The expansion of the STADIO offer basket is part of our contribution to achieving our strategic goal and ensuring more qualifying students to find a place to study in our campuses across the country or via distance learning.

STADIO is increasing its qualification offer on some of their contact learning campuses and this will begin in the Western Cape at the STADIO Bellville campus, by adding qualifications to the School of Media & Design, with a special focus on design, fashion and animation. These qualifications will see the STADIO Bellville campus become a hub for creative industry education, building the innovators and designers for the future of the industry. STADIO Centurion, will see the addition of both education and commerce making this new campus, a multi-faculty environment that must be experienced to be believed. STADIO Waterfall, another bespoke campus in the Mall of Africa precinct, will add commerce to it’s offer basket and offer support for STADIO’s School of Law. Through this expansion process, STADIO is now geared to provide more students with a world class academic experience.

Any talk of future proofing your career, must include reference to teaching. Whilst the platforms may have changed to include virtual learning, the value of a teacher and their personal impact on the future cannot be ignored. STADIO’s School of Education will now also be registering contact learning students on the Bellville campus as well as the Centurion campus. The School is also gearing for the launch of its brand new postgraduate Advanced Diploma in Technical and Vocational Training Teaching.

With more qualifications aligned to the world of work and geared toward employability, STADIO is determined to ensure that the future belongs to their students. Applications are now open for all STADIO’s new qualifications via both contact and distance learning. 

Apply online today to secure your tomorrow! 


DATE: May 2023 | DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is accurate at the time of publication. STADIO reserves the right to change the content due to changes in legislation, as well as for market requirements and other reasons.