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Dr Antje Hargarter grew up in Germany, but she has been in South Africa for 15 years. She worked in the financial services industry for over 10 years and she is a certified European financial analyst.

She moved into the academic sphere ten years ago to “give back” and share her knowledge. She completed a MSc in Management at Johannes-Gutenberg University in Germany, an MBA at UCT and a PhD in Risk Management with North West University. “I’m really passionate about learning; I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning. I would like to ignite this passion in others, so that they can pay it forward,” she says.

“My vision for the STADIO School of Commerce is to be a place of learning that constantly evolves but stays true to its academic promise.
“The commerce landscape is changing. e-Commerce and platform businesses are fast overtaking traditional companies. In an environment like this, it is crucial that you select your place of education very carefully.”

Dr Hargarter believes STADIO’s School of Commerce prepares students for the future world of work with relevant and current qualifications. “Our team of experienced lecturers combine theory and practice to ensure you are prepped for the real world. Learning and teaching is delivered in a blended approach, with face to face but also online engagements. Our academic promise includes student tracking and support. This ensures success through access.”

According to Dr Hargarter, new rules are at play in a platform economy. “Traditional marketing is replaced by digital marketing. Work gets completed in project management teams and skills like technology and innovation management carry preference over ordinary work skills. “Furthermore, finance is taken over by Fintech, and compliance and risk management are becoming more important, globally. “Many future jobs are unknown to us. What we do know, however, is that in the commerce field machine learning and artificial intelligence will dominate. “This means that graduates need to master oversight of algorithms, persuasion and influence of colleagues, superiors and clients alike, and they need to have a broad understanding of business and technology.”

Dr Hargarter believes the STADIO School of Commerce distinguishes itself in the following ways:

1.    Canvas, which is currently regarded globally as the best on-line learning management system 
2.    Lecturers with work experience, not only academic experience
3.    Affordability
4.    Student support and success centres on each campus
5.    Uniform academic standards across campuses
6.    Industry networks
7.    Access to a huge network of Alumni from the previous sibling companies that consolidated into STADIO
8.    Best practice from five different higher education providers


DATE: February 2021 | DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is accurate at the time of publication. STADIO reserves the right to change the content due to changes in legislation, as well as for market requirements and other reasons.