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WHY DO I KEEP RUNNING? By Zola Budd (STADIO brand ambassador)

I love running. Sometimes running is not something I do, but who I am. I don’t know why I run, but the correct question should be why do I keep running?

For me running is an intrinsic part of being human, like breathing or eating, and I seldom question myself why I have this need to run. I accept this subconscious need as essential.

Some days, very few, I identify myself as a runner, striding out and feeling invincible. It’s easy to run on these days, legs flowing, rhythm going, and most of all, the annoying little voice in my head is quiet for once.

The days that running becomes something that I must do are more frequent than most athletes would admit. Believe me, most of my training and running fall into the "I have to run today" category. I struggle through those days and force myself to run with the hope of experiencing another “I am a runner day”, in the future.

Therefore, its necessary to have a tool at hand to assist you through the dreads of the "have to run" days. I only have one tool and he is called Spook.  

Spook is a two-year-old male Malinois from Pretoria (but a Cheetah supporter). When we moved back to S.A., our dogs from the USA slept through all alerts and alarms, and we needed a dog who was more aware. Five pairs of shoes, one couch, and eight dog leads later, Spook became my running partner.

I run with him because Spook wants to run, not because I have to. His favourite run is among the vineyards, past the Buffaloes to the local dam, where he loves to take a welcome swim, no matter the weather!

He listens patiently to all my venting about the absurdness of life and aching knees and constantly affirms my utterances with an approving growl.

Sometimes, which is most of the time, we discuss intricate issues such as what people would have been like if all they had was their humanity. He is usually silent on matters like these as he already knows the questions and answers I am struggling with.

Alas, I tackle the last hill to get home, and Spook has his last bark at his German Shepard frenemy around the corner while patiently waiting for me to finish. He revels on his back in the cool grass, as if to tell me: "We are runners, every day."

Keep running everyone.

DATE: September 2023  |  DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is accurate at the time of publication. STADIO reserves the right to change the content due to changes in legislation, as well as for market requirements and other reasons.